Get In Touch

Service Times

We have resumed our Shabbat morning on-site services open to the public!

You are welcome to worship with us.

You can also join our livestreamed or on-demand services via Facebook or YouTube.
Feel free to call our office Wednesdays through Fridays 10am - 5pm at the number below for any further information.

We look forward to seeing you soon. Thank you!

Saturday Mornings (Shabbat Shakhrit)

On Site In Person 10:00am – 11:30am at 106 E. 86th Street, 3rd Floor; and – Livestreamed via YouTube & Facebook.


Wednesday Study & Worship (“TnT”)

7:00pm – 8:30pm via Zoom every other week. For Members only.

Contact Us

Meeting Place (No Mail, please): 106 E. 86th Street & Park Avenue (S.E. Corner) New York, NY 10028

Mailing Address: 1159 Second Avenue PMB 343 New York, NY 10065

Tel. ‭(646) 346-4385‬