One God. One Messiah.
Two Testaments.
A Conservative Synagogue of Two-Testament Judaism
Raising up a Manhattan synagogue with a healthy balance of authentic Jewish faith and the teachings of the New Testament. Providing a faith community for those who have been seeking such a spiritual home. Connecting with Israel, our Jewish homeland in the present, and for the future.
We meet In-Person every Saturday 10:00am to 11:30am ET at 106 E. 86th Street & Park Avenue, in the Park Avenue United Methodist Bldg • 3rd Floor
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Live-Streamed on FacebookLive™ or YouTube™.
Hope we see you soon! Shalom!
Our Faith
We embrace faith in the One God and One Messiah as described in the Jewish Scriptures, according to those historically Jewish traditions affirmed as scripturally and spiritually valid through sound spiritual and scholastic processes.
Our Community
Our fellowship is welcoming of all life stages and ages, and we enjoy unity in our diversity. We are young and senior, men and women, single and married, teens and tots, Jewish-by-Birth and Jewish-by-Choice, lovers of Israel and Visitors for a day or season – and you are welcome to visit or join us!
Our Mission
Raising up a Manhattan Synagogue with a healthy balance of authentic Jewish faith and the teachings of the New Testament. Providing A Faith Community for those who have been seeking such a spiritual home. Connecting with Israel, our Jewish homeland in the present, and for the future.
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Visit because you are intrigued.
Stay because you’re home.
Meet Our Rabbi:
Rabbi Bruce Louis Cohen serves in our synagogue as both senior clergy and as music director. A multi-lingual scholar and poly-instrumental professional musician, Rabbi Cohen’s combined skill sets and achievements in theology and the creative arts seem to make Manhattan inevitable as where he would serve …
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The go-to place for learning about Two-Testament Judaism, growing in faith and knowledge of Yeshua and connecting with the Beth El community.
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Contact Us
Meeting Place (No Mail, please): 106 E. 86th Street & Park Avenue (S.E. Corner) New York, NY 10028
Mailing Address: 1159 Second Avenue PMB 343 New York, NY 10065
Tel. (646) 346-4385